Bien Vivre
2 min readNov 16, 2020



What is the Zen Theory?

This term can be used to describe the understanding of one’s self, the inner workings of society, the chemistry of life and how interlinking the knowledge of all these fields enables a mindset that is able to seek out, obtain & acquire any amount of resources, information and power that benefits one’s existence.

Dare we say that this is the methodology of the elite, the 1%.

The first thing to know and accept, is that the world as you and I know it, runs on systems.

How is it that the amount of tax we pay is decided? It is a systematically calculated percentage of your income.

How do business enterprises become successful? Through implementing effective operating systems.

How do our bodies move, breathe and heal? Through the biological processes that come from our bodily systems.


Finance is a system. Chemical equations are a system. Society is a system. Even relationships are a system; when we look at world renowned books such as the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, it can be noted that all successful relationships are built on an “emotional bank account".

But how can we compare finances to relationships?!!” -someone may ask in dismay.

They are, essentially, very similar systems. Whereby the currency of finance would be euros, dollars, shares, yen — monetary value and the currency of a relationship would be trust (the foundation of emotional value). With regards to an “emotional bank account”, if both parties are depositing regularly (through their actions, time, conversation), the currency grows.

Now, because we are not taught or ignorant to the fact that relationships are indeed systems too, this is why we can highlight the high rate of divorce, detrimental ‘situationships' and all rounded toxicity in modern days. The bottom line being, in most cases, that one party continuously made deposits into the emotional bank account while the other continuously made withdrawals - leaving the relationship in bankruptcy.

Can we now agree, that systems apply to everything.

Once we implement the right systems, we can obtain the desired results.

