Wellness Insider “Interchangeable Beauty”

Bien Vivre
2 min readFeb 21, 2021

With the rise of accessibility to plastic surgery, the demand for features of specific phenotypes has entirely sent the beauty industry, cosmetics industry and wellness industry — into speeding innovations….and billions of dollars.

“Interchangeable Beauty”, what does this mean? It's a concept described and used behind closed doors within these linked industries. It alludes to the fact that peoples of any race, gender, skin colour, hair colour, facial features can use these industries (their products and services in synergy) to tweak their characteristics to seem like that of another phenotype.

The world's growing power and grasp on social media has built the perfect foundation for the above. Specifically within the last 10 years, we have seen huge gravitation to Afrocentric culture. Afrocentric culture is the new popular culture. This highlighted many societal issues that were finally given terms due to the amount of social commentary received. An example of this would be “Blackfishing”. Interestingly enough, despite the fact that the new direction of popular culture is Afrocentric; in many ways, when we dissect the current standard of beauty being advertised — it's more than one phenotype that this painted standard of beauty represents.

The luscious African lips that drive up the demand of botox. The petite striking European nose which fills the books with deposits for rhinoplasty. The thick voluminous lashes and eyebrows of Arabic women that put microblading into business. We could go on…

Different features from different phenotypes. “Racially ambiguous”, that's the term that our fellow YouTubers and Twitter lovers are using. All of this is accessible now. The industries have achieved a market where women (and men) all over the world shop for interchangeable beauty. A multibillion-dollar market.


As controversial as these small bites from behind the scenes are, the industries remain as interesting and innovative as ever.

NEXT: Product Insider “The 24 hour Botox”

